Modern, science-based culture insists on humans being classified with animals.

This works if we assume that solid matter is all of freality, so the body and the liivingness it exhibits is one and the same thing.

However, the most materialist of the sciences—physics—has to reconcile itseelf to the fact that energy is prior to matter, that is, matter is inhabited by energy under certain circumstance. More precisely energy can exist without having a material form. And utimately energy disolves into a set of quantum fields

From this it is a short step to the proposition that life is a kind of energy with specific properties, and that the kind of life animating the human body is different from the kind of life inhabiting animals. So the life that exhibits the capacity for knowledge, philosophy, imagination, wisdom. etc., is a unique cosmic phenomenon. 

 The concepts above form the backround to the contention that the mind body proble is resolve if we postulate "mind", a type of energy creates "matter", a type of body. 

An axiom: Humans are spiritual beings with a mission in the physical universe

A number if implications are implicit in that statement:

  • At conception the process of building a material body—as a means of functioning inthe material world—is initited analogous to a space or diving suit if we want to survive and work in an alien environment.

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  • For all we know we could be a metamorphic species like tadpoles or caterpillars. Looking at these without hindsight we would not know that they will become frogs or butterflies. 

    What does a tadpole know about being a frog?

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